
Roland Siegwart (ETH Zurich)

Present situation worldwide and in Switzerland

Civilian drone technology, i.e. the development of civilian unmanned aerial vehicles, has evolved at a fast pace in the past 15 years. Many of the new technologies, from novel flying object concepts to the necessary control and navigation algorithms, originated at Swiss institutions of higher education, especially the ETH Zurich and the EPFL. Switzerland has thus established international leadership in the field of civilian drones, attracting established firms and fostering the creation of various startups. Drones have long been a familiar feature of military activities. With the availability of inexpensive technologies such as IMUs (inertial measurement units) to stabilise drones in space, GPS or navigational cameras, and associated technologies for robust control and autonomous navigation, civilian use in particular has evolved rapidly. In the field of consumer drones, currently dominated by Chinese providers (most notably DJI), more than one million units are sold yearly. The field of professional drones is growing even more rapidly, with already widespread use in cartography as well as aerial surveying and surveillance. Semi-autonomous drones are being used increasingly in agriculture (field monitoring), in disaster situations (fires, natural disasters, rescue operations) or for transportation. While current drones operate mainly in open airspace, new flight concepts and advanced navigation systems will allow future drones to move in contact with their surroundings. This will enable wholly new applications in the inspection of infrastructures, the cleaning and painting of buildings, the construction industry and many others.

Implications for Switzerland

Swiss institutions of higher education are leading the way worldwide as regards technological advances and possible applications, and our startups are also about to attain international leadership. In coming years, the aim will be to strengthen and consolidate this research and market position, in order to once and for all become the “Silicon Valley of drones”. Conditions are ideal. Strong cooperation between institutions of higher education, startups, regulatory authorities (Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA), established partner firms and end customers will allow Switzerland to develop this exciting, economically relevant and fast growing market for the country’s social and economic benefit.