Technology Outlook 2019
One of the SATW’s key missions is the early identification of new, possibly disruptive technologies that will become relevant for Switzerland’s economy and society in the next three to five years. Every two years, the SATW therefore publishes a public early identification report that presents these technologies and assesses their significance. The current report presents 37 technologies drawn from the fields most relevant to the Swiss economy. This list of technologies was compiled in close cooperation with the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) as well as more than 70 experts.
For the first time, the Technology Outlook has been substantiated with semi-quantitative data. This information draws on the knowledge of our experts as well as extensive research, and makes it possible to assess the relative significance of individual technologies for Switzerland. “Stars”, “self-propellers”, “niches” or “hopefuls” – each technology is assigned to one of four categories defined by economic significance and available competence in Switzerland. More on the methodology
Another new feature of this Technology Outlook is the cross-country comparison, which both the SATW and the SERI view as valuable and useful. The analysis of posts and tweets relating to the report’s 37 technologies published on the official social media channels of European universities allows for comparison between Switzerland and selected European countries.