Material development for additive manufacturing

Christian Leinenbach, Lars Sommerhäuser (Empa) and Adriaan Spierings (inspire)

Present situation worldwide and in Switzerland

The development of materials for additive manufacturing (AM) includes plastics, metals, ceramics and composites whose composition makes them ideally suited to additive manufacturing process requirements and thereby enables new, better performing products. The objective is twofold: on the one hand, the goal is to expand the portfolio of materials suitable for additive processing. On the other hand, additive techniques are to produce new materials that cannot be obtained with conventional manufacturing techniques. The special conditions of additive processing make it possible for example to freeze unstable states in metals, combine various materials or locally modify material properties.

There is therefore a growing trend toward producing specific materials for additive manufacturing processes. These materials make it possible to produce parts and components featuring new functionalities or improved properties that are unavailable in conventionally produced parts. Tapping the full industrial potential of additive manufacturing requires specifically optimised materials.

Implications for Switzerland

With its expertise in the field of materials research and technology development, Switzerland is well positioned. On the research side, institutions of the ETH Domain, research organisations such as inspire as well as some universities of applied sciences play an important role. Switzerland’s industrial sector also numbers various firms that hold the necessary competences to develop such materials and associated processes. While in past years additive manufacturing has been driven mainly by firms specialised in mechanical and plant engineering (especially in Germany and in the US), in future greater emphasis will be placed on materials and processes. This field is still in its infancy but developing fast, providing Switzerland with an opportunity to attain international technological leadership. However – akin to other European countries or the US – Switzerland must establish appropriate schemes for research promotion and technology transfer.