Wettbewerb für Gymnasialklassen

Science on the Move

SimplyScience | 

Der schweizweite Klassenwettbewerb «Science on the Move» findet im Jahr 2023 zum 7. Mal statt. Gymnasialklassen aus der ganzen Schweiz kämpfen mit Erfindergeist, Kreativität und Teamgeist um den Hauptpreis, eine Wissenschaftswoche im Ausland. Der gesamte Wettbewerb findet auf Englisch statt.

What is Science on the Move?

Launched in 2011, Science on the Move is a biannual, nationwide science competition for upper secondary school classes in Switzerland. The programme promotes scientific curiosity, enthusiasm and teamwork. The competition is open to schools in all regions of Switzerland. Around 3,700 students have participated in the tournament since its launch.

The first phase of the competition is dedicated to research and experimental work and documentation of the results. Only the ten best classes proceed then to the second phase where they prepare a creative stage performance presenting their results and experiences.

The classes will prepare their contributions in their classroom, at school or wherever they see fit.
The Final Event will take place at Roche in Basel/Kaiseraugst in June 2023. The winning class is then selected by a jury of experts from science, education and industry.


  • Application period: November 2022 - January 2023
  • Competition: February 2023 - May 2023
  • Final Event: Thursday, June 8, 2023

Science on the move