Technological trends

The technologies interact with each other and enable therefore much broader technological trends. These are wide-ranging topics such as circular economy, artificial intelligence or smart cities that are highly visible in the media. The Technology Outlook explains the meaning of terms, sounds the potential for Switzerland’s economy and society and makes a direct link to the individual technologies. 

Artificial intelligence

Icon Künstliche Intelligenz Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables computers and machines to mimic the capabilities of the human mind in the areas of perception, learning, problem-solving and decision-making. (read more)


Autonomous systems

Icon Autonome Systeme Autonomous systems are machines and processes that are capable of making situation-specific decisions independently or partly independently. Such decisions are based on continuous measurements with sensors and on artificial intelligence algorithms. (read more)



Icon Cyber Physical Systems Chemistry and physics were the sciences of the 19th and 20th centuries, biology is the science of the 21st century. Biotechnology is the practical application of biology that industrially exploits natural processes and living organisms. (read more)


Circular economy

Icon Cyber Physical Systems The principle of a circular economy aims at reducing the consumption of natural resources by using raw materials efficiently and as long as possible in their original quality. (read more)


Cyber-physical systems

Icon Cyber Physical Systems Initially introduced as a continuation of the Industry 4.0 concept, cyber-physical systems are IT processes in which physical elements (procedures, machines, people, objects, etc.) are digitally imaged and then designed to interact in real-time with that image. (read more)



Icon Cybersecurity The term cybersecurity refers to hardware and software components that protect computer devices from unauthorised access, but also to non-technical measures like legislation and user training. (read more)


Digital agriculture

Icon Cyber Physical Systems Agricultural production processes are characterised by complex interactions between the soil, the climate, plants, farm animals and humans. (read more)


Energy supply

Icon Cyber Physical Systems Securing energy supply means covering energy demand at all times in a safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable manner with electricity, combustibles, fuels and heat. (read more)


Future materials

Icon Cyber Physical Systems The term “future materials” refers to an undefined quantity of materials featuring new or significantly improved physical properties. (read more)


Industry 4.0

industry_40 At the core of industry 4.0 are intelligent and digitally connected systems for industrial production that encompass all functions from procurement to logistics. (read more)


Precision medicine

Icon Cyber Physical Systems Precision medicine represents a new paradigm in medical treatment. It is based on the notion that every person is unique. (read more)


Quantum technologies

Icon Cyber Physical Systems The term “quantum technology” includes generally all technologies that are fundamentally based on quantum effects such as quantised atomic energy levels, tunnel effect, quantum superposition or quantum entanglement. (read more )


Smart Cities

Icon Cyber Physical Systems The concept of “smart city” focuses on using social and technological innovations to increase life quality and resource efficiency in cities and urban living environments. (read more)