Switzerland and UK in Horizon Europe

«Stick to Science»

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences | 

The political authorities must rapidly conclude the process of association of Switzerland and the UK to Horizon Europe, the EU's research and innovation programme. A campaign by scientific institutions calls for an open and collaborative research and innovation landscape in Europe, without political barriers that delay this association. The scientific community is invited to support the campaign by signing it: www.stick-to-science.eu.

Research and innovation can best advance when all actors can work together across geographic boundaries. This has never been more important than now, as the world faces serious global challenges. Allowing political differences to prevent scientific collaboration is contrary to the interests of society at large.

Switzerland and the UK can make important contributions to strengthen the European Research Area so that it remains competitive at a global level. In the current situation, some of the best minds in Europe's science and excellent research infrastructures are missing out on the scientific knowledge and resources of Swiss and UK institutions. In addition, as associated countries, Switzerland and the UK would contribute CHF 18.7 billion to the Horizon Europe budget of CHF 99.1 billion, thus representing a top-up of 18%.