Food 4.0 funding programme: Call for project proposals

As part of the Food 4.0 funding programme, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences are supporting innovative and effective projects which will contribute towards ensuring a successful future for the Swiss food system. The projects will receive maximum funding of CHF 25,000

Innovative implementation projects are supported in the following main development areas, taking into account the framework conditions of sustainability, quality and safety, traceability and consumer interest:

  • Protein technology and plant / milk hybrid product engineering
  • Precision biotechnology / biotransformation
  • Digital transformation of the food system
  • Cellular agriculture

As part of the first call for projects in autumn 2021, the evaluation panel approved six innovative initialisation projects that have been implemented since January 2022.


Approved project 2021/2022

Food Chain Model für ökologische Wertschöpfungsketten und Food Waste Vermeidung
Dr. Claudio Beretta, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften

Helena Stoffers, Agroscope

Innovative Bio-Valorisierung des Nebenproduktstromes Weizenkleie zur Verbesserung der Verarbeitbarkeit und Endproduktqualität in der Kaltextrusion
Prof. Dr. Nadina Müller, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften

Minimization of astringency in plant-based milk alternatives through a two-phase drinking system
Dr. Cédric Sax, ETH Zürich / Potiio GmbH

Regulierte Verdauung mit proteinreichen Nahrungsfasermischungen aus Nebenströmen der Getreide-, Ölsaaten, Obst und Gemüseverarbeitung in der Schweiz (ReVeN-CH)
Dr. Kim Mishra, Vereinsbrauerei Brewdaz

Untersuchung der Rolle der Ernte hinsichtlich Entwicklung des «beany»-Flavors in Erbsen
Prof. Dr. Christoph Denkel, Berner Fachhochschule BFH