Statement of the European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering

Euro-CASE | 

Euro-CASE, The European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering, is profoundly shocked about the war occurring in Ukraine.

The security and safety of our immediate neighbourhood is violated in a way that reminds us of the most horrible times of humanity. Euro-CASE is following the development closely, our thoughts being with the people of Ukraine and our friends there. The Euro-CASE academies are also deeply concerned about the long-term consequences of the war. The implications for security, energy supply, trade relations, and geopolitics will affect us for a long time to come. It will affect the research community and the world’s chances to combat global challenges by way of open, excellent research and a worldwide collaboration of the best researchers.

What happens in Ukraine today will define the future for us all. The unity of all 27 EU Member States, with the support of other European partners, in showing solidarity with the Ukrainian people gives us hope for a better future. Euro-CASE stands with Ukraine and the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine. We stand firm in defending and safeguarding academic institutions, academic freedom and the autonomy of science, research and innovation.


Euro-CASE members:

  • Belgium: Académie Royale de Belgique / Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts
  • Croatia: Croatian Academy of Engineering – HATZ
  • Czech Republic: Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic – EACR
  • Denmark: Danish Academy of Technical Sciences – ATV
  • Finland: The Council of Finnish Academies (CoFA)
  • France: National Academy of Technologies of France – NATF
  • Germany: National Academy of Science and Engineering – acatech
  • Hungary: Hungarian Academy of Engineering
  • Ireland : The Irish Academy of Engineering
  • Italy: CNR, GSSI, IIT, INFN, PoliMI, PoliTO and UniNA consortium
  • Netherlands: Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation – AcTI
  • Norway: Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences – NTVA
  • Poland: Polish Academy of Sciences – PAN
  • Portugal: Portuguese Academy of Engineering
  • Serbia: Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia – AINS
  • Slovenia: Engineering Academy of Slovenia
  • Spain: Royal Academy of Engineering – RAI
  • Sweden: Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences- IVA
  • Switzerland: Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences – SATW
  • United Kingdom: The Royal Academy of Engineering – RAEng