
Newly elected individual members 2022


This year, the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW has added thirteen new Full Members to its network. Each possesses an impressive track record in the engineering sciences.


→ More information: Press release | New member brochure in German


Prof. Dr Emanuele Carpanzano was elected ...
... in recognition of his commitment to promoting automation and digitisation at the academic and industrial level, and for his important contributions in research and teaching and in the transfer of innovative technologies.

Dr Djordje Filipovic was elected ...
... in recognition of his extraordinary contributions in the development and commercialisation of innovations in medicine and as an entrepreneur in the pharmaceutical industry.

Jean-Philippe Fricker was elected ...
... in recognition of his multidisciplinary and revolutionary contributions in system architecture of highly integrated circuits for deep learning algorithms as well as in innovative system integration across multiple orders of magnitude.

Prof. Dr Stefanie Hellweg was elected ...
... in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the evaluation and improvement of the impact of technical systems on the environment, as well as to the methodological further development of life cycle analyses.

Dr Andrea Leu was elected ...
... in recognition of her many years of commitment in the STEM field and especially for her efforts in promoting qualified young engineers in Switzerland.

Prof. Dr Marco Mazzotti was elected ...
... in recognition of his outstanding achievements in teaching and research and in the implementation of technical solutions to minimise the release of CO2.

Dr Alexandre Pauchard was elected ...
... in recognition of his successful cross-technology innovations in the field of optoelectronic devices and for his contribution to digitalisation in industry.

Prof. Dr Sylvie Roke was elected ...
... in recognition of her pioneering developments of new optical measurement techniques for the characterisation of micro- and nanosystems in aqueous environments with applications in biology, chemistry and physics.

Prof. Dr René Rossi was elected ...
... in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the field of textile research as a basis for novel health technologies as well as his commitment to the transfer of these findings into innovative products.

Prof. Dr Thomas Justus Schmidt was elected ...
... in recognition of his extraordinary achievements in the field of electrochemistry with important findings in the field of electrochemical materials, cells and devices for energy conversion and storage.

Prof. Dr Albert van den Berg was elected ...
... in recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of microfluidic systems with applications in biomolecular diagnostics and successful innovations based on them.

Prof. Dr Vanessa Wood was elected ...
... in recognition of her innovative and outstanding research in visualising, quantifying and explaining transport processes in new materials, and in recognition of her academic leadership in engineering.

Prof. Dr Thomas Zurbuchen was elected ...
... in recognition of his exceptional contributions as an engineer in the development of scientific instruments for space missions and as Head Science Mission Directorate of the American space agency NASA.

Press release

New member brochure in German