Friday 19 March 2021

digital TecDay Engadin

Lyceum Alpinum | Academia Engiadina Samedan | SATW | 

Choose favourite topics | Insight into practice | Discuss with experts

Dear students of the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz
Dear students of the Academia Engiadina Samedan
Dear students of the Scoula la Plaiv

You may think that computer science is only for nerds, that science is too dry and that technology is only for boys. At digital TecDay, a wide variety of professionals will show you that computer scientists don't just sit alone at their computers, that scientific findings lead to solutions in everyday life and that technology is something for visionary young men and women who want to develop creative solutions to the problems of our society.

Even if you don't want to take up a technical profession, at digital TecDay you can immerse yourself in topics that affect you in everyday life or in which you have to make decisions as a (future) voter or consumer. Choose the topics that interest you most from 39 different modules.

Module descriptions

The module descriptions explain and illustrate the topics available. You can read them on your PC/mobile phone. For the module selection you will receive an email from groople with personal access to the module selection.

To choose your favourite topics

  • Click on the personal link in the invitation email from (please also check your spam folder).
  • Study the module descriptions on at your leisure, making sure to check the prerequisites for modules marked with * and the language variants.
  • Put your favourite topics on your wish list in order of priority and send them off.

The schedule of the day and the participating organisations can be found in the grey column on the right, in the mobile view at the bottom.

The duration of each module is approx. 60 minutes, but this can vary between 45 and 75 minutes. 

The event is held bilingually in German and English. Some modules are available in both languages, some only in German or only in English.

Due to the pandemic, the modules will take place virtually. You will follow them online from home - or individually at school if required.

Participation for external guests may be possible. If you are interested, please contact Belinda Weidmann by 15 March 2021.


At the end of the TecDay, there will be an online quiz with questions about the modules attended. If you pay attention, you can win great prizes. So it is doubly worthwhile participating attentively in the modules!

We are pleased that despite the difficult circumstances, a varied and exciting day has come about, thanks to the cooperation between the Academia Engiadina Samedan, the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, the Scoula La Plaiv, the SATW and the many committed experts from companies, universities and research institutes.

Have fun!

Dr. Christoph Wittmer | Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz
Thomas Bächer | Academia Engiadina Samedan
Julia Christandl | Scoula La Plaiv Zuoz
Belinda Weidmann | SATW