Technology Outlook 2021


What technological advances will shape Swiss economy and society in the coming years? The Technology Outlook 2021 provides the answer! 

Every two years, SATW produces an early identification report, the Technology Outlook, which describes promising technologies, assesses their significance for Switzerland and compares Switzerland with selected European countries based on social media posts. 

For the first time, the significance of the technologies for Switzerland, but also the intensity of the discussion on social media is shown as a trend overt time. 

What technological advances will shape Swiss economy and society in the coming years? The Technology Outlook 2021 provides the answer! 

Every two years, SATW produces an early identification report, the Technology Outlook, which describes promising technologies, assesses their significance for Switzerland and compares Switzerland with selected European countries based on social media posts. 

For the first time, the significance of the technologies for Switzerland, but also the intensity of the discussion on social media is shown as a trend overt time.