SATW Study "Power System"

Farid Comaty et al. | 
SATW Study "Power System"

Is Switzerland's planned power system technically suitable for implementing the 2050 energy strategy?

The Federal Council instructed the Federal Office of Energy to draw up an energy strategy for the year 2050, with the aim being to implement it as soon as possible. Ever since this decision was taken, there has been constant discussion of whether the objectives which have been set are in fact technically achievable. To support fact-based discussion, SATW has commissioned a study examining whether the planned Swiss energy strategy is technically feasible with the infrastructure currently available and being planned, and whether supply can be ensured even in extreme circumstances. The study assumes that all network and pumped-storage plant expansions planned for 2020 and 2025 will be executed. The level of investment that this requires is known, but some of the funding still needs to be arranged. This study does not include economic considerations, as they could result in no conclusive findings for the time period in question.

Is Switzerland's planned power system technically suitable for implementing the 2050 energy strategy?