
Groople, the online software for project weeks, sports weeks, camps, holiday passes and optional subjects

SATW | Groople | 

Groople is an online solution for the organisation of events such as project weeks, sports weeks, sports camps, holiday passes, electives or elective courses and much more.

Groople's fair assessment process is based on students or participants creating an online wishlist of their preferred offers in order of priority. The administrator then uses the automatic scheduling engine to allocate students or participants according to their wishes but within the capacity of the offer.

For the organisation of TecDays, Groople means satisfied students who create a wish list online on the attractive portal at their leisure and are then automatically allocated by us according to their wishes. We can guarantee those responsible for the modules that individual wishes such as available time slots or desired minimum/maximum number of participants will be taken into account. And we can provide the school administrators with practical printed material such as attendance lists, participant lists, etc.

Groople is available in English, German and French for administrators, for users also in italian.
