event note

Additive-manufactured medical devices

[Translate to EN:] Additive-manufactured medical devices

The potential of additive manufacturing processes is enormous. Especially in medtech. On 20 September, experts will discuss opportunities and challenges in this area. Regulatory issues are at the center.

Additive manufacturing makes it possible to produce with relatively little effort goods with highly complex geometries. It is therefore a predestined manufacturing method for medical devices such as implants with personalized optimisation. According to Swissmedic, the Swiss authority responsible for the authorisation and supervision of therapeutic products, the existing guidelines apply in principle also to additive-manufactured medical devices. However, they are built up in layers in contrast to conventional products. So properties can differ.

Within the framework of an expert workshop on Wednesday 20 September in Lucerne, manufacturers of medical devices, researchers, and service providers will exchange experiences. The half-day event will take place as a parallel event to the Swiss Medtech Expo at the Lucerne fair. There are still a few vacancies available.

Free entrance to Swiss Medtech Expo
At the Swiss Medtech Expo, decision-makers from manufacturers meet with leading systems and component suppliers, specialised service providers, and research and education representatives. If you would like to participate, you can register for free via the website (in German, coupon code already recorded).

Further information
Manuel Kugler
Advanced Manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence
Phone +41 44 226 50 21